by Nur-Aminah Andig, BSA 4-1

Quizzes, Midterms and Finals – some of the brain-wrecking exams you encounter in school. One or two weeks or even a month (for GC people only) before the said exams, you already prepare yourself for them. You call your best friend to cancel your meet-up. You refuse to hang-out with your family and choose to spend your weekends with Valix, Dayag and Ampongan.  You become socially inactive and sometimes you even forget to eat your meal at the right time. And on the day of reaping, you ready yourself for whatever results of the exams may bring and then you get to know that you failed. Crap. How disappointing can it get? You had studied yet you failed. You had burnt the midnight oil yet you didn’t pass the exam. You had read your books a million times yet you didn’t meet the needed grade. Have you ever asked yourself what the heck is wrong? Are you being cursed or is it just a matter of the right timing to pass?

Listed below are some (well, majority actually) of the reasons why BSAs fail:

  1. At least 10-page exam for 3 hours (Say it's OA but yeah, it happens!)
  2. Content of exam is not covered by the topics to be reviewed (Happens most of the time.)
  3. Theories which are harder than problems (So true!)
  4. Problems which are really...problems (So damn true!)
  5. Choices which are almost equally correct (Like, always!)
  6. Putting your answer on the wrong number (Presence of mind, please.)
  7. No erasures allowed (Thank God Frixion pen exists!)
  8. Failure to study the latter chapters when most of the questions came from those (How unlucky eh?)
  9. No point for not writing the solution (What is it's just a 1+1=2?)
  10. One long difficult problem (Time consuming. Fudge!)
  11. Forgetting to bring your own calculator (Compute manually. Good luck!)
  12. Failure to fully understand what you have reviewed (Epic fail.)
  13. Memorizing the answer in your quizzer yet you don’t know how to solve it (Perhaps you may try manipulating the solution?)
  14. Pressure on passing since you fail on your prior exams (Pressure sucks)
  15. The answer is not on the choices
  16. Worst of all, it’s zero-based!!!

Whatever the reasons may be, it’s not just about getting high grades. It’s also the passion and determination to strive harder. Just because you fail doesn’t mean you deserve it. Sometimes it’s a matter of perfect timing. Remember, a person first encounters billion failures on his way before getting to the top. You may fail now but you can stand again and prove yourself that you deserve to pass just like any other people.  Be inspired with Thomas Alba Edison’s thought: “Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” So yes, never give up. FIGHT!!!
8/21/2012 01:42:33 pm

Well that's true, but our batch experienced much worser than what you've been, we have an exam 15-pages for less than 3 hrs, then some major subjects are in reporting type, that should have been taught by prof. coz these subjs. are critical and hard (i.e., Taxation, etc.)


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